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Sponsor a Mama Today!

Angaza Mama Sponsorship Program

The Angaza Mama Sponsorship program aims to build a generous global community of women to support our community of women in Mombasa as they welcome their children into the world!


The Women 

The women in the receive prenatal and postpartum medical care including ultrasounds, lab tests (soon), clinical check ups, vaccinations(soon), and treatment for infections. They attend weekly educational classes from early pregnancy until 4 months postpartum. They have free access to a medical doctor, a nurse, a breastfeeding counsellor, a chaplain, and a counsellor. They also receive nutrient dense meals every week and food packages after birth. 

Your sponsorship creates strong, capable, and competent mothers raising healthy children.

Please click here for more FAQs about how the program works.


Better Birth Outcomes

1 in every 4 women in our community has lost a live baby under the age of one. 

Since our program began, we have effectively lowered the infant mortality rate, lowered the maternal mortality rate, increased exclusive breasting rate until 6 months old, decreased infections amongst infants, and addressed postpartum depression in a community where mental health is rarely acknowledged. 

We are currently working towards opening a full Birth Centre where mothers can deliver their babies safely!


Sponsor a Mama Today!

By joining our sponsorship community: 

  • You will be on our monthly email list where we will share stories of hope and joy, babies being born, mother’s thriving, and even the hard stuff where prayers are needed. 

  • You will have the opportunity to send messages of love and support to the women. 

  • You may be called upon for your talents and skills that would directly benefit our women. 

  • You will make a financial commitment towards the women.

Sponsorship Options


Already Giving?

If you are already a regular financial supporter of the REHMA ministry and are interested in joining the Angaza Mama program, please sign up! No extra financial committment is required.


Monthly Giving

Full sponsorship of one mama is $100/month. You also have the option of partial sponsorship at $50 or $25 a month. 


Stand By Crew

If you cannot commit to give monthly, consider joining our 'stand by' crew. When emergency needs arise or big projects come up, a special call out for donations will go out that you can contribute to. If this is you, please join today!


Become a Sponsor Today!

Click the button below and you will be sent instructions on how to begin your sponsorship journey with our mamas!

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